I should be working on writing the new LifeGroup material.... yet I find myself blogging.
oh..... sweet addiction...
Ya know, I love this place. Not because of the coffee- it sucks actually.
I always get lemonade.
Thank you Lisbon, Portugal for eternally ruining me.
And now that I think about it, the service here sucks. Well, except for the bald creepy guy that oddly worships me. Really. It's so weird. My roommate, Julia, loves it.
Let me add that Julia is very beautiful. Very. And he wants nothing to do with her. It weird me out... but she loves it.
anyway, I digress....
I love this place for the fact alone that is filled with college students. And random retired professors named Jim. And this homeless man that I adore named John. And this really hot doctor named.... something....
I always want to talk to him but he intimidates me.
I did talk to him once. He accidentally unplugged my computer chord and then plugged it back in and I said, "thanks".
I saw August Rush last night. It was really good. If you haven't seen it, you should.
Julia said, " omg Bailey, you'll love this movie. You'll bawl the whole time. I did."
I didn't cry at all.
When things like this happen I wonder if I have a soul.
Jim(the retired professor) just stopped by to borrow my computer chord. I love that man.
I'm wearing an OU t-shirt right now and he reminded me for the third time that he graduated from OU.
He left his heart in Oklahoma.
He moved out here with his ex-wife 30 years ago, but they divorced about 10 years ago. Since then he's always wanted to move back.
I wonder what is keeping him here.....
Well, I should probably get to work. It's going to be 3 AM before I know it.
so, where is home to you?
also, is this where your heart resides?
i bought a golf club from the Owasso Pawn Shop once.
my heart is where my family is. if they leave, so does home.
I would never give up mashed potatoes. and you would never eat jello.
maybe you didn't hear my joking nature when I said "I need to find some kids to keep me youthful"... sorry... old person humor.
post more.
probably a #4 some day. But today is not the day...I'm 98% sure.
oh no... it is the second of january. i hope you can make it.
i didn't cry in august rush either.
the song says "this"... every time. because that would make sense.
quit being fresh with me, coates.
and i will go ahead and dedicate a post to ben. i don't have a lot of ben pictures though. and what would make that post is ninja ben in the front yard.
we must wait for all good things.
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