He is, by far, the cutest 5 year old on the face of this planet.
He is such a cheese ball.
I love his "mohawk". When he was three I colored his mohawk pink--- his favorite color at the time.
Nikki thought it was hilarious, but Brandon did not.
go figure.
Now he is all boy. When you ask him he favorite colors he will tell you "black, brown, gray, blue and sometimes red".
But don't let him fool you. This kid is a hardcore momma's boy. He snuggles with Nikki every night.
She loves it though. Since he is the last baby, she secretly doesn't want him to grow up.
I don't blame her. Look at him.
He makes this silly face where he grins and squints

Here ya go.
He is so funny. In appearance, he is a boy version of Emma, but wants so much to be just like his big brother, Landon.
It many ways he and Landon are polar opposites. Landon loathes being dirty or messy and Grey is the kid who colors his entire body in blue magic marker.
Love it.
I love being an aunt because I get to laugh at those moments and take photos, but as a mom you have to put them in time out.
On a different note, I've whipped out the 'ol opera lately. For the past few days its been non-stop Gioachino Rossini, Andrea Bocelli, Vinvenzo Bellini, Sarah Brightman, Giacomo Puccini and Luciano Pavarotti. I loooove it. Opera does something special to my soul.
I tried falling asleep to it last night.
That didn't work.
I thought it would be peaceful. Nope. I was wrong. All I can do is listen and evaluate every note. The tone, dynamics, emotion... everything.
I'll think I'll stick to Sufjan Stevens when it comes to falling asleep.
I've been really broken lately for people around me.
For instance, I have a very close friend that struggles with homosexuality. In his heart of hearts he wants nothing more than to bless God and walk in His ways. But he also has a desire for a soul mate. Someone to come home to at the end of the day. Someone to think about while he's a work. Someone to dress up nice for.
I don't blame him.
But his prayer is for him to be able to love without sinning. For God to answer this prayer, one of two things would have to happen. Either Truth would have to change(which won't happen) or my friend's desire for a man would have to change into a desire for a woman. He has been praying for the past 10 years for God to change his desires. I believe God can do this. But my friend has lost hope and has come to terms with the fact that his life will, most likely, be spent alone.
I don't understand why things like this happen.
I was talking to Kim the other day about a completely different subject, but I believe the same principle applies: I'm convinced that God isn't always concerned with our comfort and that He'll do whatever it takes to make His name known.
I know, that sounds heartless... which is unlike me.
But, I believe, the testimony of my friend's life will change lives. If he chooses to say, "I don't understand why I have the desires I have, but I choose God's ways over mine. I will choose a life of abstinence because I want to bless God and make His name known." people will be changed.
Pray for my friend. It's been a difficult week. He is struggling. I want so bad to snap my fingers and change him. I want so bad to have the magic words that will make him feel all better. But I don't. I listen, pray and cry. That's what I can do. God has given me wisdom. Pray that I access it.
I really liked this post.
And what were we talking about "for God's glory"? It's true. He does everything for his glory.
This Christmas is going to be really sweet for me.
since i've been reading that Desiring God book, i've been grasping a bigger picture for God's glory.
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men..."
That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.
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