I miss her so much.
I convinced her to be irresponsible tomorrow and skip work.
She flirted with the idea... and I'm pretty sure she will be giving in.
I guess time will tell....

This picture was taken by my sister at El Tequila earlier this week.
The story goes something like this:
Emma and her friend had to go to the bathroom so Nikki let them. Apparently they were taking forever so Nikki was curious and went in there to check on them.
This is what she found.
This girl is one of the funniest kids I have ever met. She is so bizarre.
For the first 4 years of her life she thought she was a dog. Seriously. She would always crawl around and bark. And if you didn't pet her and say "niiice puppy" she would whine like a horribly neglected 3 day old puppy. It was so weird.
Should I mention that I dropped this child 3 times while under the age of 2?
Seriously though. She has a heart the size of Texas. She is brilliantly full of wit and sarcasm...(which often gets her in trouble). She is beautiful. Creative. Hilarious. Caring.
She recently came home with a report card full of A's and one C.
In social studies.
I don't blame her.
She went up to Nikki crying and saying, "I already know... I'm going to be grounded forever. I just hate social studies, mom!"
Nikki told her it was fine and that she doesn't have to be the best at everything she does. As long as she puts everything she can into it, it's fine.
It's a good lesson to be learned.
I was proud of Nikki.

I can't get enough of her.
She's so beautiful.
In approximately 34 days I will get to see plenty of her.
Ya know, it's really hard being an aunt from three states away. You really miss those kids. It's especially hard on their birthdays. Until I moved to Tucson I was always soooo involved in their daily lives.
I loved it.
Now I see them twice a year. And I have to watch them grow through pictures and listen to how big they are getting over the phone. That's the hardest part about living in Tucson.
For sure.
I can't wait to see the men and women of God they will turn into. I already see it.
I've never seen so much passion in a child as I do in Landon. Or the ample amounts of creativity like I see in Greysen. Or the love and compassion like I see in Payton.
I pray God will use them to change the world.
I got a little emotional with this one.
Specifically the last part where you talk about how your kids will change the world.
I see something with that Landon...
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