Monday, June 1, 2009

Late Night Tears and Gardening

My mom is driving me nuts. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death-- this isn't a love issue. It's more of a annoyance issue. When you live far away from your family, you forget how intense they are and you just remember the good things. ah well... I need to be thankful for her.

It's been fun though to go to Landon and Greysen's baseball games. They're so stinkin' cute.

omg. Ok. Last night Emma spent the night with her friend. Well, apparently, her friend fell asleep before she did and so Emma was left awake and alone and bored... and I think a little scared. So she called Nikki to come and get her. Nikki is one of those moms that is sympathetic with her child, but also kindly tells her to suck it up. I think they call that tough love. Anyway, well she had me talk to Emma(while Emma is bawling her sweet little face off) thinking I could calm her down and talk some sense into her. That was pretty much the saddest thing I have ever done. I started crying with her and saying, "You just tell me if you want me to come get you. I will come get you right now!" and the whole time Nik is just staring at me like "this is turning out like I thought it would.... you need to tell her everything is fine and she needs to just fall asleep and she'll be fine....."

I'm horrible at that stuff. I told Nikki to never do that to me again.

Nikki's husband, Brandon, works nights so since I've been home I usually hang out with Nikki late at night. Last night we gardened at 3 in the morning. It was funny. And really nice outside.

I decided I like humidity when its cool and windy outside. I should move to a northern coast.

I think I'm going to the casino tonight with my mom. Should be eventful. Going places in public with my mom always produces stories. I'll let ya know if I win big.

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