for the first time ever I created a blog and didn't post it. huh...
today hasn't quite turned out like I planned... which is fine I guess.
Kim is coming over. We need to cheer each other up. Here goes nothing!
My dad died a year ago today. That's been hard.
My old roommate and great friend, Jaime is coming down from Kansas City to hang out with me tomorrow and saturday. I am more than thrilled. She is so awesome. She's one of those people you want to be like. haha... it's been, I think, 2 years since I've seen her. this is going to be great.
I want to go to the Oprah show. Actually, I'd rather go to the Ellen show. My best friend, Kelsi, has been to the Ellen show and she danced with her. sigh... I have such cool friends with cool stories.
I'm going to Greysen's and Landon's baseball games tonight. I'm so excited. theyre so freaking cute.
Emma makes me laugh so hard. Check out this picture.

does emma's shirt say "love justice" ? She is a funny girl.
I realized from your facebook that it has been a year since your dad died. I didn't believe it at first.
thanks for "liking" my Obama post on facebook.
if you make it to the oprah show in chicago you can totally stay with me!!! :) Cause who doesn't want to stay in a college dorm room, right? I would even give up my bed... actually i think the futon is more comfortable. i miss you! I'm going to be in portugal in a little over three weeks. wish you were coming with me!
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