Monday, March 23, 2009

i'm doing this for you

Ive noticed that when I don't blong on a consistant basis... like every other day or so... I can't figure out anything to write about. I'm poor and cant afford internet at my house so that's why I don't write consistantly. I wish I did. I like going back and reading old blogs.

I was watching tv at my Kelsi's house tonight(because I can't afford cable either) and there was a program on TLC about a man with elephant's disease. Hey kim, it was the guy from Portugal. It was crazy. The whole time I was thinking,"I know that guy. I've sat with him. I use to live there. I went to that coffee shop all the time. I love that restaurant......etc..." It made me sad. I miss that place so much.

I'm growing out my hair. I hate this process. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to keep long hair while in hair school? Everyone is so "cut happy" and they just want to cut it right off. I don't trust any of those girls though. Taylor has ruined me for life.

I was reading through Isaiah 6 tonight and I was just overwhelmed by the gospel. Ya know, when you are truly in awe of God's holiness the things of this world don't seem to really matter anymore. I want to live like that. Man... lately I have seen so many people get so consumed by selfish ways of thinking. If they truly grasped to greatness of holiness of God those things would be like dust in the wind. But ya know, who am I? By no means have I overcome myself. Paul knew what he was talking about with that whole "die to yourself daily" stuff. Man it's hard.

I'm praying through some pretty huge things right now. But what's new?


Kim said...

not stupid... and not exceptional. which you are.
don't talk back to me.

we should live in portugal instead. thoughts that whirl around in my brain...

Kim said...
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