That smile up there is a typical Ramey smile. We all do it.
LifeGroup was so good tonight. We've been talking about prayer and how God answers them and how sometimes He doesn't. We talked about the different prayers we pray... so on and so on. I love how it ended though because it was like we came to the realization that everything we were talking about was so self-focused and not focused on the sovereignty and beauty of the Lord. So then we started talking about out favorite attributes of God and it was so beautiful. We were all smiling through our tears. Even the men. I love when men cry over Beauty. It was a great time. And we just prayed, telling God how beautiful and amazing and glorious He is.... and I just kept thinking "He loves this. This makes Him so happy."
I had a fantastic conversation with my roommate, Julia(the one on the right up there) about relationships. I came to the realization last night that I have never had a godly relationship. I've dated my fair share of guys...many of them--really great guys, but never have I been in a relationship where he has been the leader and we really seeked the Lord together. I'm looking forward to that.
this is us again. We were told to act like an animal. I think Kelsi is a pig. I'm a monkey. and I'm not exactly sure what Julia is... maybe a bird....?
I blame this picture on the fact that I'm a lightweight and had one drink which resulted in slight intoxication.
that's true about the Ramey smile.
I'm reading a book about being content and I was telling someone in an e-mail that I find myself overjoyed just walking from class to class. Just seeing His beauty. It's just refreshing to look at things from an eternal perspective, and just know that someday everything bad will make sense, and be redeemed.
Last semester, my best friend Rachel came to visit and my roommate cut her bangs. We got in the car and Rachel just balled because they were too short. Good thing hair grows, otherwise you would be living with guilt for the rest of your life.
john piper says....
hahaha. kidding.
hey! but while i'm thinking of it, read Desiring God. really.
ps: that's quite a trio.
pps: i'm glad you're blogging consistently.
man. cf is a terrible disease. well, I'm thankful for the ADA. I hope she qualifies.
A Little Hope From Oklahoma (Kristi Bowers) was in my wedding... her son has CF. She is an amazing mom, and her son Kaleb is in the same situation with breathing treatments and going to the hospital a lot. It makes me sad. I hate it
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