Tuesday, December 1, 2009

  • My dog likes to sit as close as he possibly can to me and lay his head on my computer as I type. Cute, but invasive and somewhat handicapping.

See what I mean? Cute. Invasive. Handicapping.

  • I've realized I'm a selfish friend. I don't like to share my friends with other people. This is obviously wrong. God is showing me some dark parts of my heart. I asked Him to so I'm glad He's following through. It's all a part of the refining process, I guess. Speaking of refining, I read through old blog posts from 3-4 years ago... man, oh man. It's crazy how much one changes over such a short time. But I'm so glad I did. so glad.

  • I seemed so optimistic then. I feel much more realistic now. And sometimes reality is optimistic. Just not always. This probably isn't making sense to you and that's ok. I'm still processing all of this.

  • It's crazy how one can be a product of another person. I guess that's what rabbis did/do. I just need to do a better job at choosing a rabbi. That sounds harsh and ungrateful. and I'm not. at all. again, still processing.

  • I love the weather right now. The high is in the upper 60s all week. Winter has hit. SELAH.
  • I miss sitting at the table with these faces.

1 comment:

Kim said...

old blogs make me want to hide. that's why i try to keep discretion. i acknowledge that Kim-four-or-five-years-from-now just might be embarrassed by present-day Kim.

i'm with you on the rabbi thing. i should fight to find a rabbi.

i like your winters. this morning, temps were in the 20s. brrrr.