I'm watching Chelsea Lately-- I love that show. I use to hate it, but when you watch it with Kelsi it is super funny. Maybe she has corrupted me.
I've been having really vivid dreams about my dad lately. When he first passed away I had them all the time. But I haven't had any in a while... But it's been super weird. Two nights ago I dreamed that my dad and brother went camping and my brother let my dad wonder off and do his own thing and then no one could find him. We searched all through the woods to find him but never did. We came across his backpack and found all of his things, but no sign of my dad.
Then last night I dreamed that it was a year later and we still hadn't found my dad. We had a memorial service for him and everything because we just assumed he was attacked by a bear. But I was upstairs in my room and I heard my dad talking to my mom in the other room and it was weird because it really was his voice. And I ran to the other room and swung open the door and saw him standing there with a camo jacket on and I ran up to him and jumped on him and just hugged him yelling "why did you leave me?? why did you leave me??" and he said that he had to but he couldn't tell me why. and then I woke up. And it felt sooo real. But, of course, it wasn't. And I just starting sobbing. It was horrible.
Shannon-- since you often have bizzarre dreams, you should analyze it for me.
So I'm growing out my hair and it's getting pretty long... well, for me. it's a little past my collarbones. Hopefully I can grow it 6 more inches by Kelsi's wedding in January. We'll see. I'm not normally this patient when it comes to growing out my hair.
My roommate gets back tomorrow night. It will be good to see her. Huck will be excited.
ok I'm done.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Dogs, Movies and Mothers
I'm house/dog sitting again this weekend. It is dogfest 3000 at this house. Usually when I dog sit these dogs I'm able to leave Huck at home with Julia, but since she's currently on vacation, I've got all 3. It's pretty insane. And for some reason it's only really bad when it's time for me to sleep. I haven't slept much at all in the last few nights... but sleep seems to be optional in my life.
As inconvenient the whole dog thing is, I actually like staying at this house. My friends that live here are pretty big "movie people". They own many of my favorites. I watched Mona Lisa Smile tonight. I've never seen it before. I LOVED it. Kim knew I would. Oh and Kim, I looked for Notting Hill.... no luck. Shrug. Anyway, MLS is fantastic. I love the reminder that we were all created for greatness. And how all of humanity is connected in that way. There's more thoughts in my head, but I will leave it at that.
I want to thirst for more of Jesus and less of me. I want to be above reproach.
Oh and I also watched PS. I love you(Ive seen it once before... when it first came out last summer). crap. that movie. I bawled throughout the entire thing... entire thing. My head hurts now. Movies like that make me not want to fall in love because I'm scared of losing him. But what is that saying? It's better to have loved and to have lost, then to never have loved at all.....? is that right? sounds right.
I love my mom. I talked to her on the phone forever tonight. She loves me. And she loves to know that I'm taken care of. No matter how old your kids are, I don't think you ever grow out of that.
My best friend from childhood had a miscarriage two nights ago. She was pretty much told her chances of getting pregnant on her own are slim to none. Her and her husband have been trying for three years. She found out 7 weeks ago that she was pregnant. She had only been pregnant for a week when she found out. She just knew. This girl was made to be a mother. I called her when I found out from Taylor and I lost it on the phone. She was consoling me. So motherly. God has a plan for her. I know it. She will have a baby.
As inconvenient the whole dog thing is, I actually like staying at this house. My friends that live here are pretty big "movie people". They own many of my favorites. I watched Mona Lisa Smile tonight. I've never seen it before. I LOVED it. Kim knew I would. Oh and Kim, I looked for Notting Hill.... no luck. Shrug. Anyway, MLS is fantastic. I love the reminder that we were all created for greatness. And how all of humanity is connected in that way. There's more thoughts in my head, but I will leave it at that.
I want to thirst for more of Jesus and less of me. I want to be above reproach.
Oh and I also watched PS. I love you(Ive seen it once before... when it first came out last summer). crap. that movie. I bawled throughout the entire thing... entire thing. My head hurts now. Movies like that make me not want to fall in love because I'm scared of losing him. But what is that saying? It's better to have loved and to have lost, then to never have loved at all.....? is that right? sounds right.
I love my mom. I talked to her on the phone forever tonight. She loves me. And she loves to know that I'm taken care of. No matter how old your kids are, I don't think you ever grow out of that.
My best friend from childhood had a miscarriage two nights ago. She was pretty much told her chances of getting pregnant on her own are slim to none. Her and her husband have been trying for three years. She found out 7 weeks ago that she was pregnant. She had only been pregnant for a week when she found out. She just knew. This girl was made to be a mother. I called her when I found out from Taylor and I lost it on the phone. She was consoling me. So motherly. God has a plan for her. I know it. She will have a baby.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Baby fever, marraige, and Uganda.
I'm grumpy today. and very impatient.
I'm in a meeting right now. I absolutely love the people I work with. They make me happy.
My bad mood is actually gone now. We have a funny team.
I'm enrolling for classes today. I'm super excited. more than I know.
Man, I have baby fever like crazy. I am surrounded by adorable children. And I want kids. But the thought of having them right now(even if I were married and all that stuff) is so overwhelming. I wonder if I'll better be ready. Probably not.
My brother got married. Their pictures are cute. Their wedding was private and on some bridge somewhere. I tried to post a photo, but I'm super dumb with computers.
I'm trying to find a job... but aren't we all. I just got offered a job at chic-fil-a. the manager just came up to me and asked where I worked... haha... is that weird?
So, I'm going to Uganda next summer. I'm super excited. I will be working with a medical team. I'll fill you in more when I have more details.
I have to go. Julia is waiting on me.
I'm in a meeting right now. I absolutely love the people I work with. They make me happy.
My bad mood is actually gone now. We have a funny team.
I'm enrolling for classes today. I'm super excited. more than I know.
Man, I have baby fever like crazy. I am surrounded by adorable children. And I want kids. But the thought of having them right now(even if I were married and all that stuff) is so overwhelming. I wonder if I'll better be ready. Probably not.
My brother got married. Their pictures are cute. Their wedding was private and on some bridge somewhere. I tried to post a photo, but I'm super dumb with computers.
I'm trying to find a job... but aren't we all. I just got offered a job at chic-fil-a. the manager just came up to me and asked where I worked... haha... is that weird?
So, I'm going to Uganda next summer. I'm super excited. I will be working with a medical team. I'll fill you in more when I have more details.
I have to go. Julia is waiting on me.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Throw up, Home, and Magnified Pores.
So I'm sick. It's Sunday morning and I've been throwing up for a few hours. I'm really bummed. This is the first Sunday I've been in town and missed church. I feel bad for the band... they have to reorganize everything this morning now. boo.
We had a 4th of July party last night. It was basically just the staff and a few others from Epic. It was super fun. We played catch phrase and played girls against boys, which I usually hate doing because... it never fails... I'm always paired up with some ditsy girl who, when it's her turn, is always like, "ha! I don't know... umm... uh... I don't know... uhh...." and it drives me crazy because I'm incredibly competitive. I wish I wasn't so competitive. Anyway, we played girls verses boys and the girls totally dominated. ha... the guys were very much bothered by this... but it was a super fun time. I love my friends.
Someone that has lived here in Tucson as long as me made a comment the other day. it was something like, "ugh Tucson... I can't wait to get out of this hell hole." and I just shrugged. Which made him curious and led to a conversation about our lives here and I just said that Tucson may not, geographically, be my favorite place to live, but I like my life here. It's home to me now. It took a while, but it's home. I don't think I will be here for more than 5 years from now, but who knows. I do know that it will be sad when I leave. And has always bothered me that this friend of mine has never made Tucson home... especially since he supposedly moved here to love on this city and teach Tucson about Jesus... but I don't know. I think since the day he's been here he has always looked for the back door. shrug. I guess I would be miserable too if I felt like I was stuck in a place I hated.
I spent over an hour last night looking at my pores in one of those magnified mirrors like Grandma and my Mom had growing up. that is so addicting. I got this underground zit on my cheek, which is a weird place for me to get a zit, and I got that sucker out. oh man, it hurt so bad. And then I rubbed rubbing alcohol all over my face. I'm sure that's not good for my skin. But with that stupid mirror I just was totally grossed out by all the crap in my skin. I should get a facial. wait.... no I shouldn't. I did that once and that was the biggest mistake I've ever made.
sorry... that was a gross tangent.
I'm going to get back in bed. I feel bad.
We had a 4th of July party last night. It was basically just the staff and a few others from Epic. It was super fun. We played catch phrase and played girls against boys, which I usually hate doing because... it never fails... I'm always paired up with some ditsy girl who, when it's her turn, is always like, "ha! I don't know... umm... uh... I don't know... uhh...." and it drives me crazy because I'm incredibly competitive. I wish I wasn't so competitive. Anyway, we played girls verses boys and the girls totally dominated. ha... the guys were very much bothered by this... but it was a super fun time. I love my friends.
Someone that has lived here in Tucson as long as me made a comment the other day. it was something like, "ugh Tucson... I can't wait to get out of this hell hole." and I just shrugged. Which made him curious and led to a conversation about our lives here and I just said that Tucson may not, geographically, be my favorite place to live, but I like my life here. It's home to me now. It took a while, but it's home. I don't think I will be here for more than 5 years from now, but who knows. I do know that it will be sad when I leave. And has always bothered me that this friend of mine has never made Tucson home... especially since he supposedly moved here to love on this city and teach Tucson about Jesus... but I don't know. I think since the day he's been here he has always looked for the back door. shrug. I guess I would be miserable too if I felt like I was stuck in a place I hated.
I spent over an hour last night looking at my pores in one of those magnified mirrors like Grandma and my Mom had growing up. that is so addicting. I got this underground zit on my cheek, which is a weird place for me to get a zit, and I got that sucker out. oh man, it hurt so bad. And then I rubbed rubbing alcohol all over my face. I'm sure that's not good for my skin. But with that stupid mirror I just was totally grossed out by all the crap in my skin. I should get a facial. wait.... no I shouldn't. I did that once and that was the biggest mistake I've ever made.
sorry... that was a gross tangent.
I'm going to get back in bed. I feel bad.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Twilight, Centerpieces, and third wheels.
oh how you've been missed.
Tonight was fun. I went with Julia and Cale on their date(I'm pretty sure... even though they said it wasn't) to Olive Garden and to see UP. I've seen it before. It's a cute movie. It makes me cry. ugh... speaking of movies that make me cry..... My Sister's Keeper??? If you haven't seen it, you should. That movie will rip your heart out.
I'm house sitting for some friends for the weekend. They have two dogs so I thought it would be a good idea to bring Huck(my dog) over to play. Ya well, that was a hooooorrible idea. He never calms down. He just wrestles with them the entire time. And then they get annoyed with him a bark/bite him and then he wines. So I put him in a crate and his scratches at it and cries. With that said, I didn't fall asleep till 7:30 AM this morning. I could have killed him. Julia told me I woke her up at one point. She heard me yell, "I'm going to kill you!" to Huck. She laughed and then fell back asleep. Must be nice.
The other night I put together a mock centerpiece for Kelsi's wedding. It turned out great.

I love them. I'm going to make a couple changes, but that's it for the most part.
I've been listening to the twilight soundtrack like crazy. It's my guilty pleasure. Even if you don't like the books/movie, you should listen to the soundtrack becuase it's super good. I love Iron and Wine. They're my current "falling asleep" music. Accept for last night... I turned on classical piano music really loud to drown out my whining dog. ugh...
Tonight was fun. I went with Julia and Cale on their date(I'm pretty sure... even though they said it wasn't) to Olive Garden and to see UP. I've seen it before. It's a cute movie. It makes me cry. ugh... speaking of movies that make me cry..... My Sister's Keeper??? If you haven't seen it, you should. That movie will rip your heart out.
I'm house sitting for some friends for the weekend. They have two dogs so I thought it would be a good idea to bring Huck(my dog) over to play. Ya well, that was a hooooorrible idea. He never calms down. He just wrestles with them the entire time. And then they get annoyed with him a bark/bite him and then he wines. So I put him in a crate and his scratches at it and cries. With that said, I didn't fall asleep till 7:30 AM this morning. I could have killed him. Julia told me I woke her up at one point. She heard me yell, "I'm going to kill you!" to Huck. She laughed and then fell back asleep. Must be nice.
The other night I put together a mock centerpiece for Kelsi's wedding. It turned out great.

I love them. I'm going to make a couple changes, but that's it for the most part.
I've been listening to the twilight soundtrack like crazy. It's my guilty pleasure. Even if you don't like the books/movie, you should listen to the soundtrack becuase it's super good. I love Iron and Wine. They're my current "falling asleep" music. Accept for last night... I turned on classical piano music really loud to drown out my whining dog. ugh...
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