No, I'm not here to visit the land of Disney.
Although that would be fun.
I'm here surprising my great friend, Kelsi and watch her play violin at her senior recital. She will be graduating with a BA in Violin Performance from BIOLA this semester.
Your final recital is a big deal. I remember mine. It's an emotional thing. It's nice to have family and friends there.
It kinda sucks though because this is my first time ever in California and it's cloudy and pouring down rain the entire time. It's alright though... I've still had a really great time. Nothing like sitting in a hotel room all day in your PJs, eating pizza and watching Maury.
The weather was ridiculous on the way up here. Since we left Tucson the rain has been coming down heavy and the fog was so thick while driving through the mountains. My friend Logan was driving and it was really hard for him to drive through that stuff because he's from Tucson where it never rains and fog is a mystical thing that has yet to be seen in southern arizona.
This whole "no meat" thing has been kinda hard. Last time I did this I freaked out on a turkey sandwich.
A turkey sandwich.
Of all things.....
Anyway, the recital is tonight and we will be all dolled up so I'm sure there will be photos.
Stay tuned.
But in the meantime, here is an awesome picture of Landon and Emma. This is a favorite family pastime of ours. When you fight with a sibling, you sit on the couch and hold hands.